GOOD MONEY PricingCourse by Kelly Diels and Danielle Cohen
helps you make GREAT MONEY
Let's get it right.

Here's What You Will Learn:
- How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Charging For Your Services
- Figure out Your ‘Affordability’ and ‘Accessibility’ Strategies Without Sacrificing Your Business or Your Well-Being
- How to Cultivate Demand so that your clients WANT to pay your new, sustainable prices (and can afford to!)
- Complete Your Marketing Plan for the year so you know what to prioritize and do, every day
- Our Number #1 Pricing Shame-Buster (and it’s not your “Money Mindset”)
- The REAL Numbers That Make Your Business (and Life) Work — You might be a good way!
- Somatics + Pricing — How to Regulate Your Nervous System So You Can Move Beyond Money Fears, Money Guilt and Money Shame
- Business Modeling — How Pricing is Just One Part of Your Revenue Plan
What You Get:

1. Good Money Masterclass
With Kelly Diels & Danielle Cohen
A video & audio masterclass from two seasoned, successful entrepreneurs that will:
- Reframe the larger money conversation into one that's actually productive & do-able
- Dissolve money guilt that is not yours to carry
- Expand your business literacy chops
- Help you regulate your nervous system when it is activated around $$$
- Expand your capacity to stand in what you really need and want
- Give you the bigger picture for why entrepreneurs with marginalized identities or who’ve been financially deprived experience pricing challenges AND HELP YOU CHANGE THAT in your business

2. Price Like a Culture Maker
Self-Study Course taught by Kelly Diels
The Price Like a Culture Maker course is structured as a printable workbook accompanied by 5 video lessons teaching you key pricing & business metrics, through the lens of social impact & community contribution (you know, culture making).
The goal is for you to be immediately get to work defining & calculate a pricing structure that enables you to:
- STOP FEELING GUILTY about charging for your work
- Make the business model calculations necessary to grow a thriving, sustainable business based on feminist, culture-making business principles...without overworking yourself
- Bake your social contribution into your prices & revenue strategy
- Sharpen your business literacy chops so that you can confidently assemble a business model you feel great about -- and one that works!

3. Right Relationship Pricing
This independent-study course from Danielle Cohen is one one part nervous system reset, one part tactical business planning, PLUS a robust spreadsheet tool you can use over and over again to price your services & manage your money.
The end result? A thoroughly-costed pricing structure, a revenue plan, a business model that makes sense...
...and the nervous system capacity to sustain it.

4. Bridge The Gap
Self-Study Course taught by DANIELLE COHEN
When you've completed your sustainable pricing & business model calculations in GOOD MONEY but there's a significant gap between what you're charging now and what you need to charge, this module can help you NOT FREAK OUT...
...and give you the actual context: that this is normal and to be expected. All it means is it is now time in your business model to bridge the gap.
Learn how to repattern your nervous system to interpret the ambiguity and uncertainty and HOPE of this phase of your business as OPPORTUNITY rather than threat.

5. Cultivate Demand
Self-Study Course taught by Kelly Diels
Pricing is about so much more than calculations. There are things we need to do in our businesses so that when future clients encounter our work, they think: this is the person I want to work with.
Those activities -- cultivating demand -- are the the fourth pillar of pricing. When you've put this pillar in place, you attract an audience who can afford and is happy to pay your sustainable prices.
In this mini-course, you'll work through a workbook to put your 4th pillar in place, and at the end, you'll emerge with a completed 2-Page Annual Marketing Plan so you know what to prioritize and what to essential activities to focus on, all year long/
We've Got to Talk About
The Spreadsheet Bundle AND The 2-Page Marketing Plan
The spreadsheet bundle/Right Relationship Pricing Tool developed by Danielle Cohen in MONEY MEDICINE will get you crystal clear on your numbers.
Step by step, you will develop & document a pricing rationale that accounts for what it actually takes to deliver your services and programs -- AND PAY YOU APPROPRIATELY.
You will know EXACTLY what you need to earn in 2023 in order to flourish in your business and personal life...
...and then the Revenue Planner tab shows you the product mix you need to develop, and how many services/programs you need to sell, in order to reach that number.
Use it over and over again to plan and grow your business from month-to-month and year to year.
The 2-Page Marketing Plan developed by Kelly Diels in CULTIVATE DEMAND helps you focus and prioritize on doing ONLY the marketing activities that actually get you real momentum...
...and say no to the rest.
This is the tool I use to grow my business and teach to my Flora Mastermind clients.
- First, you'll pinpoint your positioning in the market place by "locating your client" and documenting your unique constellation of strengths.
- Then you'll define the "growth engine" specific to your business (how you get clients). (Everyone's will look different -- this is not a cookie-cutter prescription.)
- Then you'll define the select few high-value marketing activities that actually fuel your particular growth engine and focus on those and only those.
- Finally you'll map out WHEN you'll be doing each of these activities and how you'll care for yourself & sustain your energy while doing that.
The end result?
You'll walk away with your Annual Marketing plan so you know what to do (and what not to do!) each day/week/month/quarter.

I’m Danielle Cohen.[She/Her]
I'm a brand builder and visibility expert with a rich, deep background in attachment theory, somatics and relational practices. I help pro-social humans with big dreams birth and sustain their most important work. That means I spend a lot of time working with my clients on money and their nervous systems.
I coached Kelly in building out her own visibility & platform and I've worked with some of the brightest lights in industries ranging from business to coaching to Hollywood.
Get the Pricing Tools You Need
We've Got to Talk About
The Spreadsheet Bundle AND The 2-Page Marketing Plan
The spreadsheet bundle/Right Relationship Pricing Tool developed by Danielle Cohen in MONEY MEDICINE will get you crystal clear on your numbers.
Step by step, you will develop & document a pricing rationale that accounts for what it actually takes to deliver your services and programs -- AND PAY YOU APPROPRIATELY.
You will know EXACTLY what you need to earn in 2023 in order to flourish in your business and personal life...
...and then the Revenue Planner tab shows you the product mix you need to develop, and how many services/programs you need to sell, in order to reach that number.
Use it over and over again to plan and grow your business from month-to-month and year to year.
The 2-Page Marketing Plan developed by Kelly Diels in CULTIVATE DEMAND helps you focus and prioritize on doing ONLY the marketing activities that actually get you real momentum...
...and say no to the rest.
This is the tool I use to grow my business and teach to my Flora Mastermind clients.
- First, you'll pinpoint your positioning in the market place by "locating your client" and documenting your unique constellation of strengths.
- Then you'll define the "growth engine" specific to your business (how you get clients). (Everyone's will look different -- this is not a cookie-cutter prescription.)
- Then you'll define the select few high-value marketing activities that actually fuel your particular growth engine and focus on those and only those.
- Finally you'll map out WHEN you'll be doing each of these activities and how you'll care for yourself & sustain your energy while doing that.
The end result?
You'll walk away with your Annual Marketing plan so you know what to do (and what not to do!) each day/week/month/quarter.
We can't overstate it: these 2 tools are spectacular
and they are business game changers
Let’s review everything you’re getting in GOOD MONEY, shall we?
5 Course Modules
Spreadsheet Tool
2-Page Marketing Plan Tool
Module 1. MASTER CLASS: Good Money
Learn the 4 Pillars of Pricing and why people with marginalized identities or who’ve been financially deprived experience pricing challenges...
...AND HOW YOU CHANGE THAT in your business.
Module 2: Price Like a Culture Maker
5 video modules + printable workbook teaching you key pricing & business metrics, through the lens of justice + social impact so you can price to make money AND justice.
Module 3: Money Medicine
How to source & regulate your nervous system around $$$; tactical business planning, PLUS a robust spreadsheet tool you can use over and over again to price your services.
Module 4: BRIDGE THE GAP with Danielle Cohen
When you've completed your sustainable pricing & business model calculations in GOOD MONEY but there's a significant gap between what you're charging now and what you need to charge, this module can help you NOT FREAK OUT...
...because this is normal and to be expected. It's now time in your business model to bridge the gap.
Learn how to repattern your nervous system to interpret the ambiguity and uncertainty and HOPE of this phase of your business as OPPORTUNITY rather than threat
Module 5: CULTIVATE DEMAND with Kelly Diels
- Learn how to cultivate demand (the fourth pillar of pricing) so your audience can afford and is happy to pay your sustainable prices
- Complete your 2-Page Marketing Plan so you know what to focus on, all year long

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There are no refunds on digital products. We put our all into our programs & curriculum design and we trust your careful yes.
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