Name It Money

Name It Money

Naming does NOT have to be hard...

and Great Names Make Money

A lot of money

Use the Name It Money Framework to Craft Names for Your Offers, Products & Practices that are so Magnetic, Compelling and Damn Near Irresistible that You’ll Have Clients Throwing Their Credit Cards at You and Signing Up on the Spot (instead of weeks or months later AND without sales calls)

This is how you STOP over-working,
giving away your proprietary practices for free,
and over-explaining & over-teaching on social media

(and everywhere!)

The secret  to making more sales while giving away less of your work for free is simple: 

Name it Right. NAME IT MONEY

The Names You Choose for Your Products & Practices
Can Do the Teaching & Selling for You

I made a simple but profound content shift this year that 3X’d my income while eliminating sales calls off my calendar, entirely.

Here’s what I did: I stopped teaching for free on social media.

IMPORTANT: I kept posting but stopped overexplaining, over-teaching and therefore overworking — because teaching in your free content is A LOT of work.

Whenever you stop doing something in your sales system (like giving away your work for free), it's essential you replace it with something better...

Hi, I'm Kelly

Here's How I Did It (and you can too):

I renamed every single tool and practice and my entire method for my work using my Name It Money Framework so that the names of my solutions did the proving-it-work for me (no more teaching on Instagram or giving away my work for free).

After that, I used the Name it Money Framework to start naming my new courses…

And each of them went on to make an average of $17K a week the first week they went live (and carried on making more after that) --

without sales calls, without free webinars, without a launch, and without giving away any of my proprietary processes for free in social media posts ⚡⚡

While trendy online narratives will tell you...

that you should give away your content and teach for free and eventually one day they’ll buy...

...this content-marketing myth is just that: a myth.

So if you've been doing it but it's not working for you, it's not because you're not doing it right.

It's because this an outdated, ineffective approach to content marketing that, alas, is taught everywhere.

The truth is...

the give-it-away-for-free content marketing system only works well for very-established content businesses with a decade+ of material and entire marketing teams who can pull from your content vaults and slice-and-dice pre-existing material into tutorials & freebies day in and day out...

In other words: we do NOT all have the same 24 hours a day

The give-it-all-away content marketers have HUNDREDS of labour hours available each day to them (in the form of a team and a years of pre-existing content)

Solopreneurs and very small businesses do not

But that doesn’t mean you can’t make big money…

…As long as you make a simple but profound and PROFITABLE content shift and start naming your tools, practices, offers and products to do the explaining and teaching for you.

And not just any names. Names that follow a particular protocol and have specific ingredients that turn audiences into clients and attention into sales.

No over-giving or over-teaching required.

Yes, you can  convert audience members into clients immediately from your content WITHOUT TEACHING FOR FREE

when you create names for your tools, offers and products so magnetic, compelling and profitable that you’ll have to put your phone on Do Not Disturb so it doesn’t blow up from all the ‘new sales’ notifications from your payment processor

(It’s a high-quality problem. 100/10 recommend)

That’s what you’ll learn how to do using theNAME IT MONEY Framework

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NAME IT MONEY includes...

  • The simple, winning, step-by-step Name It Money Framework for creating unbelievably potent messages that have clients feeling wildly seen, like you get it (because you do!), and so instantly convinced of your solutions that they sign up on the spot, no sales calls required
  • Fill-in-the-blanks recipe & template for creating utterly irresistable course promises and offer descriptions that convert eyeballs into revenue quickly and consistently (Pro-tip: you can use this process to generate book summaries and podcast descriptions, too)
  • A detailed tour and tearddown of unmissable Offer Names and Offer Promises, why they work, and how you can replicate that process to transform your own offers, products, 1:1 containers, courses, and services into instant and consistent money-makers
  • The Systematize-It Wordbank for rapidly translating your expert processes & tools  into gotta-have-it-right-now solutions that are EXACTLY what your client wants to buy...and does buy, over and over again
  • The What-Not-How Lens that inspires your clients to take immediate action to sign up for your offers without you having to give away your best ideas for free, online
  • The radical content focus that gets you fully owning your genius and the substance of your work without over-giving and over-teaching on social media. No more playing small or diluting your work because fulling occupying your power and knowledge with conviction is what inspires your clients to believe in you and say yes, right now

Want to See a Sneak Peak
of the Program?



  • A detailed tour & breakdown of the Name It Money Framework and why it works, followed by four rapid, targeted modules for doing the forensic pre-thinking and on-the-spot name-generating that become the building blocks for making messages that sell more in less time
  • A 25-page interactive workbook that delivers you a new level of client clarity so you know exactly what the client wants to buy and the magic words they respond to (no busy-work exercises -- only exactly what you need to permanently turn up the volume on your sales)
  • Two proven, money-making examples of a sales e-mail and social media post that you can go ahead and use as Templates and Swipe Copy for writing your own sales copy that WORKS in less time and with more ROI
  • A lightning-fast process for creating damn-near-irresistable Offer Names in under 5 minutes that are so potent that they convert audiences into clients without you having to give away your best work for free
  • A comprehensive & effective on-demand video-based course with no fluff or padding so you can get through it and get it done, TODAY

Name it Money is a wildly effective standalone training...

 AND it is a robust partner to Externalize, Social Money and Surface Your Methodology 

because it goes even deeper into the mechanics of naming offers & tools you put into place in those courses AND turns up the volume so that your names do the selling for you.

The Name It Money Framework works on its own -- no pre-work or pre-purchases required -- AND profoundly amplifies the formulas and frameworks previous students learned in those 3 game-changing courses


Name it Right. NAME IT MONEY

Get your on-demand NAME IT MONEY Training:



IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: We Are The Culture Makers LLC  & Together We Rise Communications Inc dba as cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.


You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final.


We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.


There are no refunds. If you are purchasing a program using a payment plan and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.


For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.