Speak Their Language Intensive

Culture Making 101

Speak Their Language

Stop Speaking Conceptually
Start Speaking "Client" in Less Than 55 Minutes

So You Can Craft Unmistakeable Marketing Messages
That Sell Your People EXACTLY What They Want to Buy

(No dissertations or decoding required :).

Training | Tools | Templates | Coaching All For $49

For Thought Leaders,
Culture Makers, and People Doing
Complex & Transformational Work
in the World

You know, the kind that's been hard to explain -- until now.

#WeAreTheCultureMakers #WeSpeakClient

Economic doom & gloom may be the viral story of the moment. 

It doesn’t have to be the story
of your business.


Instead you can:

Learn the 4 counter-intuitive

 money skills 

every entrepreneur needs
to accurately diagnose
the financial moment we're in
and make Good Money
in turbulent times...

including right now

Whenever recession-headlines fly, entrepreneurs who oppose economic injustice are often the first taken out of the game. 


They don’t want to bug people when belts are tight — or heaven forbid, prey on anyone who’s struggling.


So they slow down their marketing or stop selling altogether, accepting the hit to their finances as inevitable.

KD - Square Image Mug
KELLY DIELS spectator pumps and pansies

For others, all the scary sound bites and provocative hot takes from leaders they admire can call everything about their business into question.


So they wind up overstimulated, bingeing on information and either trying to do 86 things at once or stuck, stuck, stuck. 


But there are other possibilities...

Fight, flight or freeze — it’s all understandable. 

Making a meaningful business move can be truly difficult when economic noise activates our pre-existing Money Injuries.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

No matter what the news cycle:

There is always a way to meaningfully contribute to the current moment  — and make Good Money

Let’s figure out what that looks like for you.


The last thing we want to see

in a time like this 

is Culture Makers sitting on the sidelines  while their bank accounts suffer and their people go unserved. 

Rest assured: Not client or every market is stretched as thin as the sound bites suggest

People still do need your work and are ready to pay for it.

If it doesn’t feel that way right now, we get it. We've been there.

We've been in business a loooooong time and had to steer our businesses through challenging economic times, including a recession and mortgage crisis -- and found ways to persevere and flourish.

We've got a process that can help you diagnose the current financial context

and figure out your next right money move in your business -- in any money moment.

That's what this workshop is about.


Meet Your Business Dream Team

Co-Founders of GOOD MONEY
Hi, I'm Kelly
Hi, I'm Danielle

I'm Kelly Diels


I'm a business teacher for culture makers. I help socially responsible entrepreneurs make money AND justice.

My work is inclusive -- no white feminism, thankyouverymuch -- and I'm ridiculously, relentlessly practical about money, pricing and building out our businesses to thrive.

Because I know we are building the institutions of the future.

My work has been featured in Forbes, Jezebel, Salon, Alternet and cited in several culture-making books.

I'm Danielle Cohen


I'm a brand builder and visibility expert with a rich, deep background in attachment theory, somatics and relational practices.

I help pro-social humans with big dreams birth and sustain their most important work. That means I spend a lot of time working with my clients on money and their nervous systems.

I coached Kelly in building out her own visibility & platform and I've worked with some of the brightest lights in industries ranging from business to coaching to Hollywood.

What’s Extra Special About Our Work:

We know that money & pricing & business & LIFE doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Our approach to business is whole-life, socio-politically and somatically-informed, in these 4 important ways:

Meet the Team

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Trevia Woods

Program Manager and Curriculum Witch

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Ntathu Allen

Meditation and Restoration Teacher

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Julie Neufeld

Operations Manager

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Mary Diaz

Marketing & Communications Coach

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Rebeca Arango

Senior Copywriter

In this workshop, we’re teaching you the 4 essential money-making skills that no one is talking about but every entrepreneur needs to know so you can:

Spot opportunities to make Good Money IN ANY CONTEXT while honoring your capacity AND that of your clients

Steady yourself when the onslaught of scary sound-bites activates your nervous system

See through the clutter of trends and economic hot takes so you can discern your specific money move

Avoid being pulled into patterns of overworking and overgiving so you can actually profit

Stay mobilized through the predictable wobbles  + self-doubt that come with experimentation and the repetition required to sell

Feel grounded and clear enough to get out there and invite people to work with you

Make sense of any cultural moment and let now be the time for your business to flourish


You’ll be putting your new skills into practice during the workshop…

So you walk away with a clear-headed plan meet THIS money moment
and quickly move the needle in your business.

Join us.




Meet the Money Moment


with Danielle Cohen & Kelly Diels


Can’t attend live? No problem. 

You'll have access to the recording and can benefit from hearing your peers ask questions and get coached through their money moves.

Home Collage Moon

refund policy

There are no refunds on digital products and live events.

We put our all into our programs & curriculum design and we trust your careful yes.