Determining The Colour of Our Blooms

I keep planting what I thought were pink hydrangeas and when they bloomed, they were blue.
Turns out, the soil conditions determine the colour of the bloom…
…and sometimes the plants just decide, themselves.
‘Course this is a metaphor.
A lot of what comes out of our mouths — and even what we think — is predetermined by our conditioning, our culture. Our soil. Our base conditions.
In other words, the voice of culture is OFTEN working through us without our consent.
Here’s what that means for me: that even though I want to deliberately help seed the conditions for a more just culture, I’m never done interrupting that voice as it tries to use my own thoughts, mouth, life.
But every time I succeed, JOY.
Even when it comes with a growing pains (and it often does).
Let’s interrupt the automatic voice of culture.
Let’s not let it use our voices, our lives.
Let’s change our base conditions.
So that together we can bloom.
Originally published on Instagram.
I’m @kelly.diels on Instagram and you can follow me on Instagram, here (and thank you!).