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TRUTH: “You Can’t Be Friends With Someone Who Wants Your Life”

I know that when I’ve wanted someone else’s life, it made me transactional, strategic, subservient, and sometimes envious. In other words: not a safe friendship or business bet.

And I know that when friends, lovers or colleagues wanted what I had, we always ended in conflict and destruction. Always.

Read More about TRUTH: “You Can’t Be Friends With Someone Who Wants Your Life”

We Are Each Other’s Necessary Tendernesses

The best thing we ever do is lean on each other and lift each other up because we are the culture makers, and together we rise.

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What Looks Like Personal Choices are Often Framed Up for Us By Society

The way we use our time is predetermined and overdetermined by our society and gender roles, and society frames our productivity as “personal choices.”

Read More about What Looks Like Personal Choices are Often Framed Up for Us By Society

We are Not Worker Bees. We are Humans…and CREATORS.

“In fact, many full-time artist reports that they have become more creatively rounded into full-time people.” – Julia Cameron. I struggle with this exactly!

Read More about We are Not Worker Bees. We are Humans…and CREATORS.

Business Tip for Culture Makers #531: Ask for Way More Than You Need

When we don’t have institutions underwriting us, we have to underwrite each other. Feminist Marketing Tip #531: how feminist makers can flourish.

Read More about Business Tip for Culture Makers #531: Ask for Way More Than You Need

Business Tip for Culture Makers #54: The GDPR is Good for Consent Culture

I know there’s a lot of hullabaloo about GDPR and that it’s going to be bad for business, but I think it’s something culture-making entrepreneurs can champion.

Read More about Business Tip for Culture Makers #54: The GDPR is Good for Consent Culture

Talking with My Hands and Trying to Be Good with Emelia

This photo makes me smile. Admittedly, talking with my hands is perhaps not the most effective way to communicate on the radio.

Read More about Talking with My Hands and Trying to Be Good with Emelia

Dear Multi-Passionate Maker

Entrepreneur spaces will often tell people with multiple passions and focuses that we are flaky, but I think we are cultivating a rich body of work.

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Sorry! The Lifestyle You Ordered is Currently Out of Stock

Graffiti awesomeness by Banksy. Looks like we are all circling around the same phenomenon, trying to figure it out…and maybe change it.

Read More about Sorry! The Lifestyle You Ordered is Currently Out of Stock

“Prettiness is Not a Rent You Pay…” by Erin McKean

“Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked female” – Erin McKean. A note on checking our sources, and citations as culture making moves.

Read More about “Prettiness is Not a Rent You Pay…” by Erin McKean

Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

This isn’t a vacation this is our life. Pinch me. I made it real.
There are 3 potent, money-making content shifts that can take you from posting for the sake of posting to posting to SELL...

....because there’s a precise framework built into posts that actually convert (and most of entrepreneurs are not using it).

This protocol is what I teach in my Social Money & Name It Money trainings AND in my high-proximity spaces, and it’s the reasons my clients go from spinning out on social media & spending months courting leads who are on the fence, to seeing their clients sign up on the spot from the power of one precisely designed post.

And when your post on social media actually make you money day in and day out, it’s a lot harder to hate it. (10/10 recommend). DM me for details.
Hating social media is NOT the problem. 

Pseudo-selling IS.

RELATED: My kid was pushing the vacuum back & forth but the floor wasn't getting cleaner. 

I call that “pseudo-vacuuming”…

which is what happens when you don’t correct a process that isn't working (like, say, stopping to empty the filter), which makes it seem like the stupid vacuum is broken and I’m the pickiest mother ever, GAWD…

I digress.

I used to do the same thing in my business: PSEUDO-SELLING.

In other words, I was posting A LOT on social media without increasing sales, so then I posted even more, hoping that volume was the trick…

But pseudo-selling was the real culprit, and it’s the reason you’re:

🚩Giving away your best ideas on social media & endlessly teaching free webinars hoping it will generate sales (but it doesn't)

🚩Pouring massive energy into launches that do initially do well but then decline

🚩Wasting MONTHS throwing spaghetti-messages at the wall, hoping something will stick, instead of knowing precisely what to say to get clients to sign up on the spot 

Here are the 3 ESSENTIAL content corrections that fix this, fast:

✅️Figure out what your client actually wants to buy. Hand to god, 99% of entrepreneurs struggling with sales don’t know what their clients actually want to buy, IN THE CLIENT’S WORDS. (Don't feel bad, it's universal). That’s why I developed the Speak Client So You Get Clients System: so you can uncover what your client actually wants to buy and then successfully SELL IT TO THEM

✅️Use the *The Systematize It Wordbank & Protocol* to translate the names of every single tool you teach into ones that that get your clients throwing their credit cards at you because these are EXACTLY the solutions they’re looking for

✅️Template your success by building your irresistible new names & unmissable client language into reusable blocks of sales copy that convert readers into buyers & offers into REVENUE

That’s the work I do in both The Name It Money Framework & Social Money and it’s the reason my clients stop pseudo-selling and start generating non-stop sales without being tethered to their laptops, hating social media, or living on Instagram 24/7. DM me for info