
What Baby Reindeer Taught Me About Art, Excellence and Culture Making

By Kelly Diels / May 6, 2024 /

Baby Reindeer is an incredible Netflix Series, by Richard Gadd — unflinching, complicated, compelling. Using this work of art and Gadd’s creative approach as a lens, I walk you through the lessons that thought leaders, creators, entrepreneurs and artists can extract and apply to their own culture-making bodies of work and intellectual property.

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On Women and POWER

By Kelly Diels / September 22, 2023 /

Let’s build more of it and use it wisely Nearly every woman I know who is focused on her creative work or career is in a mastermind. Nearly every person I know is actively trying to heal a cultural injury — diet culture, body image, asymmetrical relationships, self-doubt, perfectionism, scarcity, OPPRESSION — and that means…

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Just Because It’s Needed Doesn’t Mean You’re The One To Do It

By Kelly Diels / August 13, 2023 /

Fun fact: when I was 21, I started a coffee shop in Cloverdale, BC, my home town. It was called Kellybeans. I started it because I’d grown disenchanted with university but was newly bewitched by fancy caffeine. Espresso, affogato, cappucino, oh my! I was obsessed. And home. And there was nowhere to go to get…

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Why Online Groups Might Not Be That Great For Us

By Kelly Diels / August 6, 2023 /

I meant to write this 6 weeks ago but I was busy doing quicksand things that masquerade as chemically rewarding but in fact are the frenemy of personal momentum. This morning, for example, I got up early to finish this email but since I was up so unbelievably early, I thought I’d also take some of…

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Automatically Track the Dollar Value of Your Pro Bono Work and Scholarships

By Kelly Diels / April 10, 2022 /

Business Tip for Culture Makers #409: Track Your Culture-Making Metrics and Quantify the Value of Your Pro Bono Work A lot of our effort and work is invisible — sometimes, even to us. We help out here and there, and if we’re working pro-bono we might be scrambling for time, which means that sometimes our…

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“How Do I Price for Affordability?” and “How Do I Make My Prices More Accessible?” are The Wrong Questions

By Kelly Diels / March 16, 2022 /

The only right answer to those questions is “lower your prices”, which can be a disaster for under-earning and start-up entrepreneurs — yet doesn’t necessarily create more economic justice. And economic justice is the point. As a business development coach, I work with seriously principled people. They are specifically committed to building businesses with justice…

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What To Do In Overwhelmingly Troubled Times

By Kelly Diels / February 27, 2022 /

I’ve been sending this email every few months for several years, to rally people when we’re most despairing. The world should NOT be as it is, and we do have the power to change it. Here’s some deeply practical advice about how each of us can do that, even in the midst of the worst.…

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How NOT to Get Swamped by It All

By Kelly Diels / September 27, 2020 /

No one person can respond to all the need for change. But what each of us CAN do is sharpen our tools and show up to our spots on the wall. We create the most change when we leverage our talents and gifts.

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FLEB Marketing Tactic #4 Predatory Payment Plans

By Kelly Diels / July 13, 2020 /

There’s nothing empowering about a 30% finance fee for the people least able to afford your rates.⁠ Predatory payment plans are financial injustice.⁠⠀

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What is Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand? ⁠(FLEB)⁠

By Kelly Diels / July 9, 2020 /

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand is what our culture insists women embody AND a business blueprint that leverages privilege to create authority.

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