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confessions about “calling in”

Calling In is a refinement conversation we have with people who have a documented history of doing intersectional justice work — not for people who don’t.

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The Body, Stored Stress, and The Politics of Resentment

The politics of resentment isn’t about stored stress, but it is about the body. It’s about which bodies deserve rights and resources.

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The Patriarchal Promise, Part 1

The Patriarchal Promise means being in the possession of an abundant livelihood, influence, respect, a beautiful subservient woman and her sexuality (or several), and a family.  In your sphere, whether it be public or private, you are the authority and you are owed not only respect but deference. (Indeed, when patriarchs express distress because they don’t…

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Getting Naked, Getting Paid, and Empowerment AKA It’s NOT Only About Your Intentions

Just because a woman who has what a lot of us want tells us what she does is empowering doesn’t make it so. Discerning between impact and intentions is key.

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The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand: A Definition

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand is an archetype women must comply with to get rights and resources AND a marketing strategy leveraging social status.

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“The Perfect Woman” is a form of Violence Against Women

When we encourage or teach other women (or ourselves) to be The Perfect Woman, we are doing harm. The Perfect Woman is a form of violence against women.

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I’m Bored with Beauty and Body Love. I’d like to be Body Neutral.

If I don’t hate myself then I don’t struggle to love myself, you know? I don’t want body love. I want to be free to be body neutral.

Read More about I’m Bored with Beauty and Body Love. I’d like to be Body Neutral.

Ivanka Trump is Calling All White Women

The Trump campaign is using Ivanka’s “feminism,” and the language and promise of women’s liberation to advance and perpetuate injustice and a racist agenda.

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On Not Getting It and the Stay-Safe Sequence

The stay-safe sequence isn’t news to black people. This is my husband and my son and I still didn’t get it. I was complicit. No More.

Read More about On Not Getting It and the Stay-Safe Sequence

keep your love and light, we want justice

When “Love and Light” is proposed by spiritual leaders as an appropriate response to DEATH and discrimination, I name it for what it is: white privilege.

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Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

A word. (And an excerpt from something that's dropping VERY soon 🔥)
Some of this was news to me but go Lola go!
This is my daughter Sophie and I at Lola’s graduation tonight. I cannot get my center part centered to save my life. But we give these glasses life.
Culture Making (aka Thought Leadership) Means Speaking *Their* Language⁠
Culture Makers and Thought Leaders have a Language Dilemma and it is getting in the way of our work in the world.⁠
Here's the invisible barrier in our IP & thought leadership:⁠
We are practitioners. We are in mastery. We are in love with our subject matter. ⁠
And so we speak Expert. ⁠
We speak Nerd. ⁠
We forget how to speak People.⁠
And if there's not a bridge between those two languages, our people won't be able to hear us, find us or understand that we've got things that will help.⁠
Because we're speaking a different language. ⁠
And so we need to understand what the person --who we want to influence or who wants to learn from us-- wants, in their own words. ⁠
We need to understand what THEY think the problem is (especially if we've come to a different conclusion).⁠
We need to understand what it is they're trying to learn. ⁠
We need to know what's going on in their life. ⁠
We need to know the words that fall out of their mouth and then start using them, ourselves. ⁠
We need to know intimately and forensically the person we're trying to influence or who wants to be influenced by our systems of thought.⁠
And when we're over here in love with our subject matter, we don't speak that language anymore. ⁠
We speak Expert. ⁠
We have to remember how to speak People. ⁠
#BridgeTheLanguageGap #ThoughtLeadership #ThoughtLeader #SpeakTheirLanguage #IP #IntellectualProperty #MeaningfulWork #BodyOfWork #WeAreTheCultureMakers⁠
#CultureMakersLanguageDilemma #Externalize #GetYourIdeasOutOfYourHeadAndIntoTheWorld #PutTheThoughtsBackInThoughtLeadership
Most of the people doing the *real* thought leadership work - ⁠
the ones in the mix with us, developing new practices, processes, ideas, solutions and challenging industry norms --⁠
would cringe at the idea of calling themselves a thought leader.⁠
Because the dominant narrative around 'thought leadership' is about positioning, posturing and clout-chasing.⁠
But that, IMHO, is fake thought leadership. That's about manufacturing authority rather than earning it with a robust, methodologized, coherent body of work. ⁠
(No wonder we cringe.)⁠
True thought leadership -- culture making! -- is about so much more than just standing on a stage or topping Google searches. ⁠
True thought leadership is about externalizing your ideas into a meaningful, systematic body of work. ⁠
Let's get our ideas out of heads and into the world --⁠
And let's put the thoughts back in thought leadership. ⁠
#ThoughtLeadership #Externalize #MeaningfulWork #BuildYourBodyOfWork #WeAreTheCultureMakers #FakeThoughtLeader
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