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My Blog


Care is a 4-letter word. So is help.

Caregiving isn’t only about what we do for each other in times of crisis. It’s not only needed when there’s a diagnosis.It’s what we need to rise, together.

Read More about Care is a 4-letter word. So is help.

White Men

Instead of trying to convince people that racism and sexism exist, let’s document, discuss and confront privilege. It’s uncomfortable but it provokes change.

Read More about White Men

The Mandatory, Frogmarched Return of The Good Girl

Leaders, teachers, women: do not urge me to be happy. Encourage me to be whole.

Read More about The Mandatory, Frogmarched Return of The Good Girl

Women are jealous, women pull up the ladder. Lies.

Women are jealous? Women pull up the ladder? Balderdash. Nearly every one of my accomplishments can be traced back to the women in my life.

Read More about Women are jealous, women pull up the ladder. Lies.

You are Light

Imagine a concert with lighters and phones in the air. That is us, the people who love. The people who welcome.Keep lighting and relighting your lamp.

Read More about You are Light

Don’t (Just) Unfriend Them

Preaching to the converted is pleasant but unproductive. In the name of justice, in the name of love, keep talking with people who are getting it wrong.

Read More about Don’t (Just) Unfriend Them

Before You Hit Share on Facebook, Do This

Before you repost that sweet meme, take a second to check where it’s coming from. You may be amplifying your opponent when sharing social media content.

Read More about Before You Hit Share on Facebook, Do This

Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

A mechanic can hear a sound in a car and instantly know what’s wrong.

Overwork is that sound in your business.

Here’s precisely what it tells you: 
That key parts of your business model are missing.

Often, because we’re practitioners who figure out how to be entrepreneurs, we piece-meal our business as we go.

So we might have a great offer & get amazing results for our clients but a weak pricing structure. 

Or we might have a great pricing structure but no idea of what the 5 key activities are, unique to our business, that actually drive sales.

Or we lack a marketing plan so we know what to do in our business every single day instead of waking up panicked with everything to do yet not knowing where to start.

That’s an all-in-pieces AND pieces-missing business model and it’s what keeps you muscling it forward instead the gears-and-wheels turning in sync and letting momentum do the job for you.

Here’s the fix:

1. It’s counterintuitive but you regress.You work on your form & foundations using the Name It Money Framework to develop the ESSENTIAL messaging building blocks that are currently missing from your business (this is what keeps you working way too much for not enough sales instead of posting a few times a week and getting sign-ups on the spot). The result? Money-making names & messages that that are so spot-on, detailed, specific and EXACTLY WHAT YOUR CLIENT WANTS  that they’ll be throwing their credit cards at you 

2. Again, you regress. You rethink your business model through the The Authentic Capacity Lens and the Aligned Business Model Framework so that you can start running a successful business that actually works for your body &  your bank account, almost automatically (instead of requiring your endless effort) 

3. Then you use the Right Relationship Pricing Tool to finally, at long last, define a PROFITABLE pricing structure and a gotta-have-it offer suite that actually deliver you the life & revenue you want… instead of tethering you to your laptop 24/7

In both cases: you fill in the gaps. You get all the pieces & gears working together.

This is what we do in Name It Money AND The Bespoke Mastermind that starts Sept 4. DM me for details
Here’s the one great thing about overwork in your business...

It tells you EXACTLY what the problem is and how to fix it.

This is the work I do in The Name it Money Framework and Bespoke, the ultra high-proximity mastermind I lead with the brilliant Danielle Cohen.

Bespoke starts next week on Sept 4 so DM me for details about either or both so you can put an end to overwork and usher in a new era of financial MOMENTUM.