
for when your contribution or leadership isn’t being acknowledged…

By Kelly Diels / March 9, 2020 /

“Leaders Eat Last” as a leadership concept is novel to Simon Sinek but it is the ordinary, unsung leadership habit of most mothers and community-builders

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What if…Trashing is about Redistributing Power in our Community?

By Kelly Diels / March 9, 2020 /

Trashing is a power struggle triggered by “status dissatisfaction”. There’s a gap between someone’s capabilities and the attention they’re {not} getting

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Clear The Way! (A Culture-Making Tool.)

By Kelly Diels / January 12, 2020 /

Clearing the way means looking for the daily road-blocks and friction and clearing internalized limits and biases that block personal power.

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on “lying to ourselves”. (I’m not so sure we do.)

By Kelly Diels / December 8, 2019 /

“Lying to ourselves” is a lie. When we build our analysis about money and power, we can see through the lies — and that’s how we get free.

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Dear Culture Maker: Do you want power?

By Kelly Diels / October 6, 2019 /

Power can be generative and beneficial for everyone involved, rather than destructive and coercive. Here’s how to grow and steward your right use of power.

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nope, ‘Queen’ is not a feminist business model

By Kelly Diels / September 23, 2019 /

We need to aspire to be feminist entrepreneurs and leaders and CULTURE MAKERS who take care of each other rather than exploit and prey on each other.

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On Culture Breaking and Culture Making. For when you’re frustrated with other change-makers.

By Kelly Diels / August 18, 2019 /

Culture change needs many things, we don’t need to be frustrated with someone for not doing the thing we think is important. WE can do that one thing.

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teeth. time. zooming out. POWER.

By Kelly Diels / August 18, 2019 /

We internalize messages about individual defects but when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture of social structures, we see things differently.

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The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand, Mental Triggers, and Weaponized Imperfection

By Kelly Diels / August 11, 2019 /

How privilege gets displayed AND LEVERAGED in our social media feeds — in pictures of our hair, kids, counter-tops, vacations, dinners and everyday life.

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For Me, Copywriting Equals Livelihood and Power (And I Trust You With Power and Resources)

By Kelly Diels / August 5, 2019 /

Writing is a form of power. It gives us the ability to create new norms & realities. Copywriting, in particular, can change the trajectory of your business.

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