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FLEB Marketing Tactic #8 Safe Status Quo Imagery

Using imagery that aligns with unjust social roles & expectations because they are easy to consume manufactures (fake) authority and reinforces privilege.

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FLEB Marketing Tactic #7 Re-enforces Gender Binary & Patriarchy

Branding that reinforces the divine feminine/divine masculine gender binary isn’t “empowering”. It’s patriarchy, gender erasure, and it’s violent.

Read More about FLEB Marketing Tactic #7 Re-enforces Gender Binary & Patriarchy

FLEB Marketing Tactic #6 Relentless Positivity and Conflict Avoidance

Social media profiles & FB groups that promote relentless positivity & conflict avoidance as marketing tactics reinforce unjust social norms.

Read More about FLEB Marketing Tactic #6 Relentless Positivity and Conflict Avoidance

FLEB Marketing Tactic #5 Weaponized White Femininity

Leveraging white supremacist beauty norms to create relationship, reputation, reach and revenue is weaponinizing white femininity for profit.

Read More about FLEB Marketing Tactic #5 Weaponized White Femininity

FLEB Marketing Tactic #4 Predatory Payment Plans

There’s nothing empowering about a 30% finance fee for the people least able to afford your rates.⁠ Predatory payment plans are financial injustice.⁠⠀

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FLEB Marketing Tactic #3 Male Approval

Leveraging or displaying proximity to male power reinforces the patriarchal norm that only grants some women power & social approval.

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FLEB Marketing Tactic #2 Fake Scarcity

Using false scarcity is an unjust marketing tactic that subconsciously-triggers buying decisions borne out of deeply coded human fears for survival.⁠⠀

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FLEB Marketing Tactic #1 Fake Authority

Instead of signalling privilege to manufacture (fake) authority, lead with your ideas. Your client outcomes. Your lineage. Your cultural analysis.

Read More about FLEB Marketing Tactic #1 Fake Authority

What is Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand? ⁠(FLEB)⁠

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand is what our culture insists women embody AND a business blueprint that leverages privilege to create authority.

Read More about What is Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand? ⁠(FLEB)⁠

Business Tip for Culture Makers 611: Stop Charging Extra for Payment Plans and Do This Instead

In this Business Tip for Culture Makers, you’ll learn that building consent into your email marketing is a culture making power move that is also good for business.

Read More about Business Tip for Culture Makers 611: Stop Charging Extra for Payment Plans and Do This Instead

Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

A word. (And an excerpt from something that's dropping VERY soon 🔥)
Some of this was news to me but go Lola go!
This is my daughter Sophie and I at Lola’s graduation tonight. I cannot get my center part centered to save my life. But we give these glasses life.
Culture Making (aka Thought Leadership) Means Speaking *Their* Language⁠
Culture Makers and Thought Leaders have a Language Dilemma and it is getting in the way of our work in the world.⁠
Here's the invisible barrier in our IP & thought leadership:⁠
We are practitioners. We are in mastery. We are in love with our subject matter. ⁠
And so we speak Expert. ⁠
We speak Nerd. ⁠
We forget how to speak People.⁠
And if there's not a bridge between those two languages, our people won't be able to hear us, find us or understand that we've got things that will help.⁠
Because we're speaking a different language. ⁠
And so we need to understand what the person --who we want to influence or who wants to learn from us-- wants, in their own words. ⁠
We need to understand what THEY think the problem is (especially if we've come to a different conclusion).⁠
We need to understand what it is they're trying to learn. ⁠
We need to know what's going on in their life. ⁠
We need to know the words that fall out of their mouth and then start using them, ourselves. ⁠
We need to know intimately and forensically the person we're trying to influence or who wants to be influenced by our systems of thought.⁠
And when we're over here in love with our subject matter, we don't speak that language anymore. ⁠
We speak Expert. ⁠
We have to remember how to speak People. ⁠
#BridgeTheLanguageGap #ThoughtLeadership #ThoughtLeader #SpeakTheirLanguage #IP #IntellectualProperty #MeaningfulWork #BodyOfWork #WeAreTheCultureMakers⁠
#CultureMakersLanguageDilemma #Externalize #GetYourIdeasOutOfYourHeadAndIntoTheWorld #PutTheThoughtsBackInThoughtLeadership
Most of the people doing the *real* thought leadership work - ⁠
the ones in the mix with us, developing new practices, processes, ideas, solutions and challenging industry norms --⁠
would cringe at the idea of calling themselves a thought leader.⁠
Because the dominant narrative around 'thought leadership' is about positioning, posturing and clout-chasing.⁠
But that, IMHO, is fake thought leadership. That's about manufacturing authority rather than earning it with a robust, methodologized, coherent body of work. ⁠
(No wonder we cringe.)⁠
True thought leadership -- culture making! -- is about so much more than just standing on a stage or topping Google searches. ⁠
True thought leadership is about externalizing your ideas into a meaningful, systematic body of work. ⁠
Let's get our ideas out of heads and into the world --⁠
And let's put the thoughts back in thought leadership. ⁠
#ThoughtLeadership #Externalize #MeaningfulWork #BuildYourBodyOfWork #WeAreTheCultureMakers #FakeThoughtLeader
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