Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand

KELLY COLLAGE_Female Empowerment Brand

The Female Lifestyle

Empowerment Brand

(It's not a good thing.)

This page includes my definition of The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand + all my essays and blog posts explaining why it’s bad for women, our businesses and our culture.



A "perfect woman" archetype must comply with and embody in order to be deserving of rights and resources


A marketing strategy that leverages social status and white privilege to create authority over other women.

KD – Square Images-07

In Our Culture

Every Woman Is a Brand


Start here

Pop art vintage comic. A woman with a poster and place for text. Girl in retro style. Advertising

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. An introduction.

Somewhere, on the edge of consciousness, there is what I call a mythical norm, which each one of us within our hearts knows “that is not me.” In America, this norm is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure. -...

Featured posts

Ixtapa, Mexico + John Rawls + No Pedi. Unthinkable now, right?

#tbt Toes in the Sand but NO PEDI. Also, The Beauty Myth then and now.

cartoon of 1950s man in suit with his feet propped up on table saying "it's not my problem" about the so-called "feminist pendulum"

Feminism, Femininity and The Swinging Pendulum. A Question for You.

The Context for The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brrand

Not Enough Compensation in the World

July 10 2017

A quick note about critique vs trashing and accountability vs gossip

As I’m writing out my definition of – and problem with – The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand, here’s my intention: to name and investigate a social phenomena ...

July 10 2017

Let’s Get Off This Ride and Get Justice

A few days after Eric Garner's killers were not indicted in New York City, a very big Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand sent an email. She knew ...

July 10 2017

Me and The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. The Personal Backstory.

A long, long time ago -- like, 4-8 years ago; the jurassic era, online -- I was trying to be fabulous online. I was writing clever blog ...

May 8 2017

Reinventing the Online Summit

You know those problematic Online Summits? Here's a non-exploitative, successful, feminist model for launching one (while staying in alignment with your social justice principles!) I want ...

March 28 2017

How To Sell Without Selling Out Your Principles

There once was a radical commercial full of righteous body diversity that seemed to be a fist in the air for intersectional feminism, except that ...

January 11 2017

The Language of Activism, Feminism and Revolution is Not For Sale

I wrote a post a while back about some egregious marketing "don'ts" that I think are important for conscious, change-making entrepreneurs to reject and do ...
The Patriarchal Promise

December 8 2016

The Patriarchal Promise, Part 1

The Patriarchal Promise means being in the possession of an abundant livelihood, influence, respect, a beautiful subservient woman and her sexuality (or several), and a ...

November 28 2016

Getting Naked, Getting Paid, and Empowerment AKA It’s NOT Only About Your Intentions

A while ago Danielle LaPorte posted an update on Facebook about how Kim Kardashian's naked eff-you selfie with a similarly naked professional model was not, in ...
The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand

October 29 2016

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand: A Definition

I'm writing a book about The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand and every Sunday I send a newsletter working through it (this essay started out as ...
the perfect woman, violence against women

October 13 2016

“The Perfect Woman” is a form of Violence Against Women

pssst...this essay is related to the book I'm writing about The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. If you'd like to learn more about the phenomenon and ...

Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

The problem is NOT that you don't have enough time to create content.

The problem is that you're creating the wrong kind of content so you’re not getting sales, and that's why it feels like a giant waste of time...and if there's no ROI then why would you bother or even enjoy it?!

Having PROVEN content recipes you can quickly default to-- ones that you know actually make money -- is how you STOP waking up in the morning feeling pressured to post but not sure what to post; STOP spending hours writing & designing from scratch; and STOP hearing crickets after you finally do post...

These days I spend less time creating content than I used to AND I enjoy myself a lot more, because I use my precisely designed sales recipes that convert like clockwork...

...and so I make money off every single post & email.

(I calculated my ROI this week, and for every hour I spent creating content, I made +$2,200. And that? Well that I can *always* find time for that AND enjoy myself while I do it.)

But most entrepreneurs do NOT have content sales recipes that they can default to, over and over again, that ALWAYS generate cash.

Here's how you change that up, fast:

* Forensically investigate and uncover what your client actually wants to buy. (A lot of us are so in love with our subject matter that we lose track of what the client actually wants and how to talk to them!). Then take that Client Insight to develop irresistible copy blocks using the *Speak Client so You Get Clients System* that turns your readers into buyers and your offers into REVENUE⁠

* Stop over-posting random content and start using the exact content sales recipes (The Name It Money & Social Money Frameworks & templates) that deliver non-stop sales notifications (ka-ching!).

That’s how you stop having to dredge up the motivation to post, scramble for new ideas, throw spaghetti-at-the-wall, overthink, overpost, spend your life on IG or be tethered to your laptop sending emails ‘til you drop…

…and start turning your content into cash. CONSISTENTLY.

This is the work I do in my Name It Money and Social Money programs, and my high-proximity space, The Money Messaging MASTERMIND (starts 10/14). DM for details.
📍 📍 📍 Don't tell anyone, but I am not internationally known for my cooking, but I have heard a rumor that most of us have two, three or even four go-to recipes & go- to combinations that we default to over and over again **that always work**. 

It's the same with sales. You need a sales recipe, or a couple of go-to combinations that you know work, over and over again. 

We have that in our kitchens...but most entrepreneurs do NOT have sales recipes set up in their business that inevitably produce sales like clockwork. 

But when you do, it's a game changer. 

When you have it, you wake up in the morning and you're like, okay, I'm going to use *The Story Selling Framework*, or okay, I'm going to use *The Credibility Framework*, or okay, I'm going to use *The Game Changer Framework*. You default to these combinations and you can quickly execute them because you've done them over and over again. 

IMPORTANT: having proven content recipes produces sales for you with way less spinning and existential angst. 

That's *so much better* than waking up in the morning wondering what to post and trying to write from scratch without even a format to structure your thoughts. That takes so much time and it's rarely effective. Once in a while you might stumble on something that works. When you do turn that into a recipe, turn that into a winning sales combination that you use over and over again. 

This is what I've done for myself. 

I've developed a series of frameworks and default templates that structure my thoughts... 

...and they consistently MAKE MONEY. 

While saving me a ton of time and cognitive energy. 

That's what I want for you. 

I want you to have a series of sales combinations & content recipes you can default to over and over again, THAT ACTUALLY WORK. 

This is the work I do in The Money Messaging Bundle and in my high support, high proximity space, The Money Messaging Mastermind that begins Oct 14. 🔥DM me for details.🔥
Sometimes when we're overwhelmed by all the marketing things that need doing we start talking a lot of shit to ourselves, like how we're not good at business, we suck at social media, can't sell, and all the other gremlin-y untrue things that run like a ticker tape through our heads on the bad days...But maybe none of that is true. Maybe you're not actually bad at selling. Maybe it's 'just' an ADHD shutdown. Perversely, that's good news. A shutdown is easier to fix than being innately, uniquely terrible at selling & business :). And the way you get out of an ADHD shutdown/spiral is to reach for one thing you can complete, right now. (Also, pro-tip for entrepreneurs who experience collapses & shutdowns: google everything you can find about preventing and getting out of ADHD shutdowns.)Nix finishing the fancy funnel or the elaborate sales page(for now) and make your bed and post one simple thing to social and put one foot in front of the other. Reach for the easy, low-stakes thing you can complete, immediately. It all adds up and it stops a shutdown in its tracks -- love someone who knows (me) xoxoxo
This isn’t a vacation this is our life. Pinch me. I made it real.