FLEB: Results

KELLY COLLAGE_Female Empowerment Brand

The Female Lifestyle

Empowerment Brand

(It's not a good thing.)

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What is Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand? ⁠(FLEB)⁠

START HERE → She's The Perfect Woman, in the form of a business...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #1 Fake Authority

Day 1 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #2 Fake Scarcity

Day 2 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...

FLEB Marketing Tactic #3 Male Approval

Day 3 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #4 Predatory Payment Plans

Day 4 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #5 Weaponized White Femininity

Day 5 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #6 Relentless Positivity and Conflict Avoidance

Day 6 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #7 Re-enforces Gender Binary & Patriarchy

Day 7 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #8 Safe Status Quo Imagery

Day 8 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand (FLEB).⁠⠀ If...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #9 Social Triggers = Social Conditions

This is Day 9 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand...
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FLEB Marketing Tactic #10 Testimonials as Triggers

This is Day 10 of How To Spot a Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand...

This page includes my definition of The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand + all my essays and blog posts explaining why it’s bad for women, our businesses and our culture.



A "perfect woman" archetype must comply with and embody in order to be deserving of rights and resources


A marketing strategy that leverages social status and white privilege to create authority over other women.

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In Our Culture

Every Woman Is a Brand


Start here

Pop art vintage comic. A woman with a poster and place for text. Girl in retro style. Advertising

The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. An introduction.

Somewhere, on the edge of consciousness, there is what I call a mythical norm, which each one of us within our hearts knows “that is not me.” In America, this norm is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure. -...

Featured posts

Ixtapa, Mexico + John Rawls + No Pedi. Unthinkable now, right?

#tbt Toes in the Sand but NO PEDI. Also, The Beauty Myth then and now.

cartoon of 1950s man in suit with his feet propped up on table saying "it's not my problem" about the so-called "feminist pendulum"

Feminism, Femininity and The Swinging Pendulum. A Question for You.

The Context for The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brrand

Not Enough Compensation in the World

April 27 2018

Sorry! The Lifestyle You Ordered is Currently Out of Stock

Graffiti by Banksy; photo by Bruce Krasting https://www.flickr.com/photos/bruce_krasting/7695349260 This feels like some anti-FLEB (Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand) awesomeness in graffiti form. It's by Banksy. So ...

April 26 2018

“Prettiness is Not a Rent You Pay…” by Erin McKean

YES. AND ALSO: I've seen this quote floating around on Instagram, usually attributed in error to Diana Vreeland. In fact Erin McKean, the founder of ...

April 25 2018

Our Audiences Aren’t Stupid. Let’s Take Them Seriously.

I have never written for a cowardly or passive or stupid reader -- Andrea Dworkin in her book, Intercourse This from Andrea Dworkin -- although ...

April 21 2018

Business Tip for Culture Makers #421: Ditch the Makeover Myth

One of the things I worry about, as a progressive, pro-democracy, pro-human rights, culture-making entrepreneur living in a world increasingly dominated by right-wing mindsets and ...

March 19 2018

Business Tip for Culture Makers #1225: Yes, Use Photos of Yourself!

Yes, use selfies.Yes, use professional photos.Yes, be visible. You don’t have to disappear and stop using photos and images to avoid the excesses and beauty-signalling ...

February 23 2018

Is the Voice Of Culture is Working Through You Without Your Consent?

"When I read your essay," she said, "I gotta admit, I felt personally called out." We were talking on the phone for the first time ...

October 25 2017

Business Tip for Culture Makers #1025: Invest In Your Community

When I was first starting out online, I witnessed an influential woman using her platform to boost the signals of others (including mine). She tweeted ...

September 3 2017

How Culture-Makers Vanquish Perfectionism: Publish, Then Polish

You know I'm on a mission to extinguish the perfection imperative, right? Resisting perfectionism one of the ways culture-makers undermine white supremacy. It's also how ...

August 19 2017

The Wealthy Feminist

Can we talk about money? I've read this 30+ year old article about Gloria Steinem's once-precarious financial situation and her subsequent book deal several million ...

August 16 2017

Business Tip for Culture Makers #816: How to Audit Your Brand Photos for White Supremacy and White Beauty Norms (And Create Different Imagery!)

How white women entrepreneurs can resist and dismantle white supremacy in their own businesses and marketing White women entrepreneurs: Let's connect the dots between white ...

Every week, I send you a

Sunday Love Letter

I write them so that…

  1. You remember your life-changing, culture-making power
  2. You have the inspiration + tools you need to bring something new to the world
Are you in?

Willpower will NOT help you create more content, or courses, or or or.

And that’s because the research shows that willpower is a short term source of fuel that we quickly burn through.

Willpower is a kick-start, not a sustainer.

To get things done, we need a system for SUSTAINING and completing great work (not just starting it…)

There’s actual research about what DOES produce high-quality work, and it’s this:


1) Producing more = more chances for a breakthrough idea
2) Producing more sharpens your chops. You get good at something by doing it A LOT

With this in mind, I developed The Externalize System that enabled me to be fast & prolific without sacrificing the quality of my work.

It’s counterintuitive, because we’re taught “Quality of over quantity” but the truth is that if you produce a lot, fast,your end work does NOT end up being mediocre, for 3 reasons:

1) You get better and better the more you produce, so your ‘mediocre’ is actually quite excellent, comparatively

2) You have more breakthrough ideas, and the quality of an idea will often outshine its presentation

3) Once you’ve got *something* to work with, you can quickly refine & polish it so it jumps up a few levels in excellence

All that to say: I developed The Externalize System for getting your out of your head and into the world that leverages your lack of time + quantity + frequency to produce influential work.

It now takes 45-90 minutes — sometimes less! — for me to write a week of social content & sales emails.

And it’s not because I became a faster writer. I’m actually a painfully slow writer.

It’s because now I have a totally different workflow (EXTERNALIZE!) for producing.

And THAT’s what will finally get those thoughts out of your head and into the world where they can actually be useful to other people.

No willpower required.

DM me for details
FACTS. DM me to learn to rock the Externalize system for yourself so you can stop getting whipsawed by time, circumstance & the critical voices in your head and start transforming all those genius ideas of yours into finished work that makes a difference -- in your business AND in the lives of other people.
The REAL problem getting in the way of your revenue breakthrough is not knowing what your client is trying to buy and the exact words that get them thinking HELL YES THIS IS THE ONE, SIGN ME UP.⁠
And that’s the reason you’re creating content and getting crickets instead of sales and trying all the marketing things but still not generating the revenue your work deserves.⁠
Here’s how you shift this, fast:⁠
💰️⚡️🥂Forensically uncover what your client actually wants to buy and then develop precise, irresistible, client-centred language using the *Speak Client so You Get Clients System* that turns your readers into buyers & your offers into REVENUE⁠
💰️⚡️🥂Systematically name out every step & tool in your method with hell-yes let-me-buy-it-right-now language using the *Name It Money Framework* so that your client knows, at every step, that you’ve got the exact solution they’ve been seeking⁠
💰️⚡️🥂Stop over-posting random content and start using the exact post/email recipe (the Social Money System Frameworks & Templates) that delivers non-stop sales and then use that winning system, over and over again⁠
That’s how you make your message so strategic, precise and magnetic that your dream clients sign up on the spot and pay in full *right now* instead of 10 months from now…⁠
...and you never have to fret about the algorithm again (it was never the problem; it was always the message) while getting more payment notifications.⁠
This is the work I do with you in my on-demand training, THE MONEY MESSAGING BUNDLE, and in my high-proximity, high-accountability, get-shit-done program, THE MONEY MESSAGING MASTERMIND. ⁠
(Our first mastermind meeting is TOMORROW Fri October 18 so today’s the day to join!)
DM me for details